So, the weather has taken a turn for the worse and it is freezing outside. However, there is no way I am slowing up progress getting Morris in tip top condition! (Well almost!). It has dawned on me that we have been working on the van for 9 months and we haven't yet finished. But it only takes 5 mins of skimming down the photos in this blog to see the progress we have made.
Today, we have made even more! Pete has finished taking apart the door and has made polystyrene covered in PVA glue ready to fit into the space that was filled with damp wood. This is currently drying in the garage. When it is back together, we will finish off with a chequer plate effect plastic over the top. This will give it the 1950s effect we are after but also ensures it is light weight. Pictures below of the fairy that was and also (if you look at the bottom right hand corner of the picture you will see a manky bit of string which was holding the door in place?!).

Not only have we done more work on the door, but I have finished the wallpapering at the back of the van. Now, we have the William Morris effect navy blue and a cream vinyl water proof paper that is filled with little specs of glitter. This isn't obvious until the sun shines through the window and then the wall twinkles. As well as this, I have sanded off the melomine paint that didn't dry correctly, painted with white undercoat then (following some internet advice) I have used our left over hessian diamond eggshell from our bathroom to cover the undercoat. This looks really nice, is clean but also warm and cosy.
I have also painted the entire loo walls and ceiling with wallpaper paste (to ensure the paper sticks well when I fit it next week) and have bought (as a treat) some cut glass light bluey / purple door knobs from B&Q after husband Pete kindly removed the stripes off the cupboards doors that didn't work. I think this adds to the sparkle, still looks nautical but classy too!
I hope you all like.
Yet again, thank you for reading and I will update when we have done more. There might soon be blue material for the big cushions on the way. I bet you can hardly wait!!