Friday, 24 August 2012

Away again, my poor garden!!

So, it has only been 4 weeks since we were last away in Morris and we are getting ready to go away again!

Since our maiden voyage, quite a few developments have been made with Morris. The complete exterior is now painted and mostly sealed. Not finished with sealing unfortunately, due to running out of sealant part way through the job so am going to have to purchase some more of the amazing stuff off the Internet.

Here are some pics of the outside all finished!!

This photo shows the effect of adding B&Q basic paint stripper. After only a few minutes, the paint is just flaking off. After a sand and a clean, we get to this!

As you know from my last post, I have also purchase some accessories for the van, and here they are in situ!

So, now the outside is finished, what next? To be honest, both me and Pete are knackered and the thought of continuing with the project is a little daunting. However, work must continue if we are going to meet our deadline of May 2013. Therefore, over the next few months, we need to remove the front end of the van inside and re-build the timber framing (from initial peeks and feeling the condition of the interior wall, we suspect that a complete re-build will be required as per the back). We then need to paper the interior (have found some sumptuous dark blue paper for the two ends and some cream paper with sparkles in for the rest), paint / cover the internal woodwork, create new covers for cushions and curtains with the material I have bought and finally fit new flooring.

We also need to create new tables / covers for the kitchen areas from white washed wood (to go with the nautical theme) and consider adding a sink to the bathroom area. However, neither of these things seem "necessary" at the mo, and we are quite enjoying using the loo area for storage so we need to think carefully before diving into doing this. Any comments / thoughts about next steps gratefully received!

Thanks, as always, for reading,

Tan and Pete :)


  1. I have just bought an Elddis Cyclone caravan, almost identical to this! Now I'm really excited to get cracking!!

    Such a lovely job and really nice caravans.

    1. That's so great to hear and sorry about the late reply. On one of our recent holidays we met an Elddis enthusiast and he gave us the original brochure for our van! When I get time I will add piccies ☺️
